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Kalo tengok tajuk mesti korang dah dapat agak kan,,mesti la tarikh sepcial tul tak?hehehehe..
YUP!! Ni tarikh keramat cik comels ni :P nk tau tarikh ape??sile lihat gbr2 di bawah ni teng teng teng....

 haaaa ce teka ce teka....gbr apekah ini...hehhe ok tgk di gbr sterusnye pulak

see...mesti korang dh dapat agak kan hehehhe..ok next!!

Silver in color : from boy to girl :D
Blue in color : from girl to boy :D

Now I'm someOne Fiance! :D

Thanks to Butik Pengantin Altilia Haidah for da great mini pelamin hehehhe
VERY BIG THANKS to my family and friends :D


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